Sunday, January 31, 2010

winter weather

this weekend, we got some snow/sleet. not quite as much as last year, but enough to keep us in the house all day saturday. i was going to attempt to run some errands, but i decided against it after i spent nearly a half hour scraping the ice off my windshields and slipped once, falling on my knee (no injuries to report, thankfully!). i don't know how people in the north survive this weather on a regular basis! eva didn't know what to make of the ice. here she is, cautiously approaching the "grass." i thought the way the ice melted on these branches was really beautiful.

1 comment:

Erika said...

lucky!! that looks so beautiful! sad that it had to keep you in on a saturday instead of a weekday, though...haha. i agree, i absolutely could not survive in a climate where this sort of thing happened regularly (especially if life didn't STOP on those days!!)